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How to make it happen?

The community is all of us plus you!

We are a small group of people located in the Serra da Estrela/Dão/Mondego region, near Fornos de Algodres, and have the possibility to rent and maybe at some point buy an incredible space where we could develop our and your dreams. You are welcome to get involved!

Our next steps

We will organise an event to present the project. We hope to gather enough people to form a co-operative and rent the space together. If our original location turns out to be too ambitious, we will find another location to start our work.

What you can do

Support our Market on May 12th

  • We need a team to help clean and prepare the space before the event.
  • There are still some spaces available for stallholders, artists and performers
  • We need people to advertise the event and distribute flyers.
  • Do you have a sound system? Portable toilets? A bouncy castle?
  • We need people during the event to help with organisation

If you would like to help with the event or register a stand please send an email to


  • We need a team interested in studying the options around organization and legal setup of the cooperative, and translate it from bureaucrat into human, to give all members a fair chance to decide about the path of the cooperative.

  • We need founding members who enjoy experimenting with new ways of working together and who are willing to dedicate some time and effort to get the cooperative off the ground.

Text, Design, Translations

Web Presence and Web Services


We would like to hear from you how a cooperative of this kind could function. What kind of services would you like to have available? How would a supportive cooperative look like?

Please get in touch under