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... Integral

From the page of Cooperativa da Terra

An integral cooperative wants to contribute to increase the resilience of societies, making them more able to solve the challenges they face and take advantage of the resources that are available, both human and natural, in a respectful way. They are cooperatives with a territorial basis, which thus aim to promote a proximity economy, strengthen the relationship between producers and consumers (citizens in general), the sharing of needs and the search for common solutions. Regardless of the origin of the products, the logic of fair trade is favoured, in which the majority of the sale price is given to the producers and not to intermediaries, and also production processes that respect workers’ rights. Environmental concerns are also taken on, in order to promote production processes and methods that minimise ecological impacts in their various forms.

It wants to contribute to increasing the resilience of societies, making them better able to solve the challenges they face and to make use of the resources that are available, both human and natural, in a respectful manner.

There are also environmental concerns: they intend to promote production processes and methods that minimise negative ecological impacts and that are mainly of local origin. Regardless of the origin of the products, in the case of products that are not produced locally, they favour fair trade logics, in which most of the sale price is given to the producers and not to intermediaries, and also production processes that respect workers’ rights and ecological principles.

... Multisector

  • Farmers
  • Artisans
  • Teachers
  • Healers
  • Musicians
  • Carpinters
  • Web Designers
  • Mathematicians
  • Chefs
  • ...?

Check out a list of the activities offered by members of the Minga Cooperative

... Cooperative

Central services for small businesses

  • Accountancy
  • Legal advice
  • Marketing and sales
  • Product distribution
  • Bulk purchasing
  • Web Services

Currency-independent economy

  • Local economy
  • Short transport routes
  • Circular economy
  • Solidarity
  • Local currency
  • Time bank
  • Empower small and tiny businesses and artisans

Flexible cooperation and mutual help

  • Not locked into a single activity
  • Members can support each other
  • Members can collaborate on larger projects
  • The cooperative legal form makes economic activity possible (association not as much)
  • The cooperative itself exists as non-profit that allows solidarity and mutual aid to take place

Tried and tested model

  • Working models exist that can be copied
  • (Paid, but affordable) support from other coop accountants is available
  • Possibility to work with and learn from other coops

Other cooperatives

Cooperativa da Terra


Cooperativa Minga